In addition to feeling low most or all of the time, many other symptoms can occur in depressive illness (though not everybody has every one).

- Being unable to gain pleasure from activities that normally would be pleasurable.
- Losing interest in normal activities, hobbies and everyday life.
- Feeling tired all of the time and having no energy.
- Difficulty sleeping or waking early in the morning (though some feel that they can't get out of bed and 'face the world').
- Having a poor appetite, no interest in food and losing weight (though some people overeat and put on weight 'comfort eating').
- Losing interest in sex.
- Finding it difficult to concentrate and think straight.
- Feeling restless, tense and anxious.
- Being irritable.
- Losing self-confidence.
- Avoiding other people.
- Finding it harder than usual to make decisions.
- Feeling useless and inadequate - 'a waste of space'.
- Feeling guilty about who you are and what you have done.
- Feeling hopeless - that nothing will make things better.
- Thinking about suicide - this is very common. If you feel this way, talk to somebody about it. If you think somebody else might be thinking this way, ask them about it - it will not make them more likely to commit suicide.
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