NFL Pro-Bowl quarterback Jay Cutler was diagnosed at the end of the 2007-2008 season with Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 is not a behavior issue; doctors believe is a genetic condition that could be virus related. It can get confusing because Cutler, who was 24 at the time, developed Type 1 which used to be called "juvenile onset diabetes" and is the most treatment intensive of the two types. People who have it are completely dependent on outside insulin and there is no known cure.
Behavior can matter
Vitamin C And D
Most of the people, however, who are diagnosed with diabetes, have Type 2.
What goes wrong is this: the body's cells lose their sensitivity to insulin and do not absorb the blood sugar [glucose] they need to function. Due to this lack of efficiency the body cannot properly assimilate the sugar in its blood. This causes a chain reaction in which the pancreas is producing too much insulin and the liver responds with too much blood sugar resulting in higher levels of both.
This causes problems with the small blood vessels in the circulatory system which could result in low resistance to infections, gum diseases, high blood pressure and over time, in damage to the kidneys, eyes, nerves and heart.
Type 2 is behavior dependent and is often brought on by obesity or poor nutrition. In a nutshell, we have a situation where there is insulin but the cells are insulin resistant which also means there is too much unprocessed blood sugar. Basically the body cannot efficiently process the insulin and blood sugar it makes which is in turn aggravated by eating poorly and/or being a couch potato. It is estimated that 90% of people suffer from both Type 2 and weight problems.
What can be done?
So how does Vitamin C help? Insulin is the bus that takes it into the cells along with the glucose. When your cells reject the bus, it rejects the passengers too. Extra amounts of C are necessary in order to get access to the cells.
An English study published in 2000 found a direct correlation between people with low long-term blood sugar levels [good] and high levels of Vitamin C. In fact, as Vitamin C levels dropped blood sugar levels rose [bad].
It is also important to take any vitamin supplements in a balanced formula with all the other vitamins and minerals, but especially calcium and magnesium. The DHA found in salmon, walnuts [be careful of the calories] and a high quality fish oil supplement can also help. It is not recommended that anyone take mega-doses of any supplements unless prescribed by your doctor. Also, if you do take any drugs wait a few hours before consuming any supplements.
In summery
Make no mistake about it. Type 2 diabetics need to eat smarter and start exercising. Try taking a daily walk along with your supplements for starters. What we are trying to do is give our bodies some basic nutrition that is usually deficient in even reasonably healthy people.
Let this article be a start in your road to a healthier and longer life.
Drill Saw
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