Do you know what the best foods rich in Vitamin D are? Before we give you our rich list, let us try to learn first the significance of Vitamin D in our bodies. Below are the top 3 reasons why we need Vitamin D in our everyday lives:
1. Vitamin D helps us strengthen our immune system as it produces phagocytosis and prevents tumors from developing causing several fatal diseases like cancers.
2. Best foods rich in vitamin D is considered best because they take good care of our body bones and teeth. Without Vitamin D, we cannot fully protect our bones and teeth as Vitamin D is the one that helps calcium and phosphorus to do their jobs in bone and teeth growth.
3. Vitamin D is important as it aids in calcification. Without this vitamin, our bodies cannot produce soft tissues from mineral calcium and therefore, calcium levels in our blood will not be regulated and balanced.
Vitamin C And D
But where do we get Vitamin D deficiency? We lack Vitamin D if:
1. We are not properly and sufficiently exposed to healthy sunlight.
2. We have kidney and liver problems.
3. We inherit it from our families or mainly because of our genes.
Therefore, it is of paramount importance to know the Best Foods rich in Vitamin D. Below is a list of these foods:
1. Fishes like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines are one of the best foods rich in Vitamin D especially its flesh.
2. Not only flesh of fish but also liver oils of fish are also among the best foods rich in Vitamin D specifically the cod liver oil.
3. Egg, reduced milk, and butter also contain Vitamin D Cereals which has fruits like acai berry that is very rich in other vitamins and mineral is another best food rich in Vitamin D.
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